Curriculum Overview

At Bearwood, we are committed to ensuring an excellent quality of education through a vibrant and challenging curriculum which is greatly enhanced by a wide range of enriching experiences.   Sports, music and the arts are highly valued in our school and we ensure that every child is nurtured to develop their gifts in these areas.   We work to provide a safe, happy and stimulating environment for all our pupils so that learning can take place in a nurturing and secure atmosphere.


Year Group Curriculum Overviews


In EYFS at Bearwood, we do not follow topics per term as our planning is 'in the moment' and child led. This means that if the children have an interest, we follow it wherever we can. Our topics can follow stories, animals, celebrations and activities, often varying in length. Some topics may be done within 3 days, others may take 3 weeks before the children have finished exploring them. A typical timeline will include work on 'ourselves' to kick off the year and teachers will include special occasions and events along the way. But beyond this, is dependent on the children we have in our classes. One week we may be exploring dinosaurs, another week we may be creating our own boats and investigating whether they float or sink. Sometimes, our topics flow nicely from one to the other for example fairy and traditional tales, The Three Little Pigs, building houses, our local environment and people who help us. Other times, our topics may jump from 'animals of the world' to 'vehicles'. 

The teachers and staff ensure that all aspects of the EYFS curriculum are covered through each activity and/or topic that the children are interested in. We make observations of the children's knowledge and skills and progress them accordingly. Every child is unique and following their journey is paramount.

Curriculum Long Term Plans 2024-25
Parents can contact the school office to find out more about the curriculum Bearwood Primary School is following.