Data Protection

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Bearwood Data Protection Policy 

The Data Protection Act was replaced by new Europe wide legislation called the General Data Protection Regulation (2018) (GDPR). 

As a school we hold a lot of information about our students/parents, workforce and governors which we have always treated with great care, in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act.  It is vitally important that this private, and sometimes sensitive information is only passed on when there is a legal requirement to do so, such as the School’s Census.  In practice, our processes and systems for handling personal data are stringent.   The GDPR require schools to clearly inform anyone whose data they hold what it is used for and who it is shared with. The regulations also require us to provide a statement, referred to as a Privacy Notice, to our students/parents, workforce and governors.  Privacy Notices and our Data Protection Policy can be found below.
If you would like to discuss anything further about data protection, please contact:  Miss Lynne Amor, Data Protection Officer -