At Bearwood Primary School, we offer:
- Excellent Foundation Stage practice based on sound research.
- Highly qualified, dedicated Foundation Stage staff.
- Engaging, exciting child-centred learning opportunities all day, every day.
- A particular strength in teaching phonics and early reading/writing.
- An inspirational Foundation Stage setting in a Grade II listed building that enables every child to thrive.
- An expectation that every child will succeed and excel.
- Tuesday 26th November - 1:30pm
- Wednesday 27th November - 9:30am
- Thursday 28th November - 5pm
- Saturday 30th November - 10am to 12pm - prospective Reception parents' open morning drop-in
- Friday 27th September - 9am
- Friday 18th October - 9am
- Friday 29th November - 9am
- Friday 13th December - 9am
An in-year admission is when you apply to a school outside the normal admissions round and at a time when your child should already be attending school.
You would normally be making an in-year application if you have recently moved, you have arrived from another country or you want to transfer your child to another school.
If your child is already in school and you are thinking about a transfer to another school, you will need to be aware that many classes will already be full and we may not be able to immediately offer a place.
To apply for a place at Bearwood Primary School, you will need to make an application via Wokingham Council’s website which can be found using the following link: