Current School Priorities

Priority One: Quality of Education
The curriculum for all subjects specifies cumulative knowledge precisely, so that pupils develop a consistently deep understanding.
  • Clear planning over time shows that the curriculum delivered in all year groups and all subjects are appropriately pitched.
  • Planning documents and children’s work show cumulative knowledge is effectively built over time.
Priority Two: Assessment
As a result of effective assessment in all subjects, teachers will understand fully what pupils have learnt so that they can adapt subsequent lessons to meet pupils’ needs effectively. 
  • Lesson observations and drop-ins evidence that lessons are always appropriately pitched for all children in every class, including the broader curriculum.
  • Lesson observations and drop-ins evidence that teachers effectively use assessment information within lessons to tweak lessons in the moment and to feed into future lessons, including in the broader curriculum.
  • All children’s books show they have made strong progress over time as a result of appropriately pitched lessons, cumulatively building their knowledge, in all subjects.

Priority Three: Writing
Teaching of writing (particularly in KS2) is strong, leading to above national and local average attainment by the end of Year Six.
  • Planning for writing is strong.
  • Lesson observations and drop-ins evidence that the teaching of writing is strong.
  • Children’s written work over time show strong progress.
  • Attainment in writing at the end of Year Six is above local and national averages.