Current School Priorities

Priority One: Quality of Education
The school's curriculum intent and implementation are embedded securely and consistently across the school.
  • Teachers demonstrate their firm and common understanding of the school's curriculum intent and what it means in their practice from what they do.
  • All lessons every day contribute well to delivering the school's curriculum intent.
  • In every year group, over the course of the year, every pupil achieves the aims of the coherently planned and sequenced curriculum.
  • Every pupil in every class produces work to a high standard.

Priority Two: Inclusion
The school effectively meets the needs of the 20%.
  • All lessons are appropriately pitched, with effective adaptation for the less able where required.
  • More than 80% of children in each cohort attain at Expected+.
  • Quality First Teaching is the main driver for improved attainment.
  • When interventions are implemented, it is for a short period and they are effective.

Priority Three: Pupil Personal Development
Pupils' roles and responsibilities are fully embedded into the fabric of the school.
  • There is a strong take-up by pupils of the roles and responsibilities available to then, and they are consistently carried out.
  • Through the work of the School Council, children know how to eat healthily, and this is reflected in packed lunches.
  • The new behaviour policy, underpinned by therapeutic thinking approaches, is effectively implemented.