Years 3/4 (Lower KS2)

Welcome to Years 3 and 4!
Red Squirrel - Year 3 Red Kite - Year 3/4  Dormouse -Year 4
Class Teacher
Miss Merryn Reed
Mrs Kayleigh Haden
Miss Caroline Parry 
Miss Emily Lloyd
Learning Support Assistant Mrs Hayley Brooker Mrs Melissa Smith Mrs Kat Tang

In Years 3 and 4, the children are supported appropriately to enable them to grow in maturity and are encouraged to take on the role of kind, integral members of our school community.   Children are given the opportunity to show more responsibility for their learning and organisation and are provided with a range of opportunities to challenge themselves.

Through continuing to explore our broad and balanced curriculum, the children progress their skills in reading, writing and maths as well as enriching their learning through our creative cross-curricular topics and a range of stimulating and exciting non-class-based experiences.  This allows our children to deepen their knowledge and understanding across all areas in preparation for the next steps in the journey to Year 5 and beyond.